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5 introspective poems for building virtues

Fresh starts are not a sign of failure.They are an open door for new beginnings.

By: Justin Williams


Can a man, women, or both manage to raise themselves spiritually & intellectually?

I may have the answer to that question, but the answer you are looking for can be found within. First by establishing a stable sense of moral foundation.Then, building upon it by developing values. Virtue is defined as behavior showing high moral standards.

In the existential world, I wear a lot of hats. Writer. Artist.Photographer. Designer.Social Worker. And the list goes on. Which means it is imminent in plight of building my quaint creative kingdom, that my mind remain full of thoughts which sow seeds of prosperous growth that drive my behavior. Poems keep me grounded in the quality of positive, when living in a struggling spiritual economy, surrounded by those who have lost their way and do not know. So I turn inward.

I'm going to share with you the virtues gained reflecting upon what life has had to offer. After 9 grueling leather journals and pushing past cognitive and spiritual barriers that stopped me from showing up as my best self. A new stoic and resilient inner experience has formed within me that can weather any storm. And I can only attempt to accurately convey the life lessons learned thus far to expedite or enhance your process. Furthermore...


Being charitable & human



Sew with the generous hand;

Pause not for tall and pain;

Weary not through the heat of the summer,

But wait till the autumn comes for the sheaves of golden grain.

Scatter the seed, and fear not,

a table will be your spread; what matter if you are too weary

To eat your hard-earned bread;

Sow while the earth is broken,

for the hungry must be fed.

One of my favorite things I tell myself is don't get caught up in the Abc's. A metaphor which encapsulates the poem above. Minor annoyances over time can easily leave us feeling like we are complete failures. Red tape, rumors, gossip at work, family dilemmas, the list of life's soap operas goes on and on. Think about a time when you were at your lowest. Can you imagine the sight of someone who is in a worse scenario than that? Maybe you passed by them going to work. Or on a bus, or a train. Maybe you know them personally. If not, you may want to research whats happening in Shang Hai right now, then return to this article. This may give you a sense of what suffering could be like and impart sympathy into your world view.

The best part of spending a copious amount of time at Taino Studios is that its a peaceful escape from all of the chaos. My life is designed to maximize how energy and time are utilized in order to make someones life better, after my cup is full that is.

Life is short. Sometimes being idle and unfulfilled is simply because time is fleeing. Its a dangerous privilege to waste time and energy.

Don't wait until its too late to begin that passion project or even discover what you love. A fact of life is that it ends. You will either be remembered or forgotten. During this finite life, it is our responsibility to determine how and what people associate our memories with. Like the seasons, everything comes full circle.

That's what a close encounter with death taught me. That's what being alive has taught me. That's my truth to yours.


Unapologetic & truthful



Loving in truth, & in fain in verse my love to show,that she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain-pleasure might cause her to read, reading might make her know, knowledge might pity vain,& pity grace obtain- I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe...

Did you feel that toward the end of the previous selection? The truth is not as you may think. Humans are hardwired to feel...most of the time. We tend to ignore the feeling associated with truth out of fear or convenience.

I often live by the moral of loving everyone, but love requires loving the truth in all of its beauty & atrocities. And that's exactly what Sir Phillip Sidney was trying to convey. Often we externalize the answers we have for lifes biggest questions we long to fulfill. Let go of google. Let go of reading. Forget study for a moment. Just be true to yourself. If you do the introspective work, you will find the answers there. Just remember to write them down.


Carrying cognition



Yesterday I was clever, so I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise. So I am changing myself.

I spent a large portion of time brooding and ruminating on how unfair capitalism is- granted it isn't fair in the slightest bit. Capitalism is arguably efficient. Never fair. Moreover, in this postulation, I came to the actualization that external nature reflects the internal experience of love. The love of the universe in which all exist and does not, was never intended for everything to be copacetic, even, or uniform, or else all planets and stars would align together as one whole. There would be no asteroids to destroy or imprint planets. Nor would there be supernovas vital for planetary rebirth after the birth of a nebula. Expecting fairness from external entities - would be to disobey the natural laws ordained by nature itself and thus being a logical fallacy. Self love is the key a stern sense of discernment.

We are souls which inhabit temporary bags of flesh and bone. Society has the propensity to numb our inner voice.The intuitive voice of the soul. Consumerism and propaganda make us believe that Instagram post.That news. That reality TV show. As a collective, we enable ourselves to be divided by institutions with profitable intentions.

Day by day, I'm eliminating outside energy from my creative endeavors. Which in turn plants a deep seed of rooted flow in all that I touch. It simply feels more natural.

For instance this blog post is coming directly from my soul- energy flows through me with nodes of sustainability. Apart from adhering to pointless trends that 9/10 never turn into a meaningful conversation. As we cannot control nature- we cannot control humans.The only thing that is in our direct control is how we respond vs giving a reaction. It all begins with the burden of self awareness. I say burden because, cognizance requires consistent energy flow. There's a limited amount of capacity in which energy can be directed, meaning there will be things and people you will have to let go of in order to focus on your inner peace.




The sweetest lives are those to duty wed,

Whole deeds, both great and small,

The close knit strands of an unbroken thread,

Whose love enables all.

Have you ever noticed a pattern in your life? Are you free? Do you make your own outcomes? Be truthful

The journey of spiritual and intellectual growth in faithfulness is not an easy feat by any means. However, it is rewarding and safe in the keeping of steadfastness.

I know the single or relationship life isn't for everyone. And I am constantly still working on wisely disbursing my energy among the capacity to accept that someone can actually love me.

Impostor syndrome has a way of vigorously putting yourself in the center of the universe, but with no planetary evolution you wrestle with your inner critic & doubt the reality of your skill & the responsibility of sharing your value with the world. Stay on the path no matter what and you will get back what you put in.


Politeness and prosperity


If people ask me,

I always tell them:

"Quite well,thank you, I'm very glad to say."

If people ask me,

I always ask them

If they ask me



I wish

That they wouldn't

-Alen Alexander Milne

I make a living from helping people & doing the things I love. Its almost mind baffling to think about it now, considering where I was five years ago. This ties into the poem above about people not truly caring about how you are & it being normalized to wear a societal mask,pretending that everything is okay. When sometimes it is clearly not.

Success requires struggle and suffering.Its not fun at all during the moments when not even comedy can remedy how stressful life can be. I've been through college education, opened up a community bookstore, honed by artistic skill through hours of practice & been absolutely selfless in my social work practice, working with individuals completely unloading their emotional trauma unto me. I do all of these things, yet it is common expectation for me be remain kind and stable when I miss a day of self care. It's not practical, realistic, or even remotely genuine for others to expect anything from another human being. Its just projection. It

I don't have arguments with people who want to see me out of character as they see me attempting to escape the status quo in pursuit of enlightenment and prosperity.I used to people please in an attempt to convert bad spirits into good people. They've fallen into a cycle of complacency and now it seeped into their very character which is externalized through words & deeds.

As many bad spirits deserve to absolutely get punished.Its more satisfying to use them as learning moments. I once met an architect while riding my long board at the park, something he said holds true to this day." Learn more from what you don't want to be from people." Taking this fresh perspective into consideration, means those who try to make us feel bad are the universes teachers. Which should be appreciated with respectful yet assertive boundaries.

From inside the matrix, its okay to live on your your own terms, however, it is never necessary to tolerate anyone's...mess, for a lack of better words. The point is, when you entertain mental or spiritual attack they win. Humbly, if you are pissed about the way an interaction turned out, be discontent-but never disrespect. The vast majority of spiritual growth & motivation comes from discontent.

Ill digress with this.I truly believe that virtues are integral for doing something in life. What that something is? Its completely up to you after considering some factors, such as strengths, circumstances, career, morals and so on.

Your are here and the world deserves your being and skills. Finding it, & doubling down on mental development is about all you need to change your life.

If you are interested in more about self development at Taino Studios. I am cultivating a small community of like minded individuals to learn with and compare notes in a safe atmosphere. You can check out our book clubs here.

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